technician locations
Track Mobile Teams
Monitor the progress of teams in the field - can be displayed on large monitors / TVs
PFIM Service Desk for the Service Industry
Technicians Productivity Leaderboard
Dashboards Display Productivity by Technician to monitor progress or encourage competition between teams
Dashboards and Leaderboards
Dashboards and Leaderboards
Get quick insight into activities with Dashboards and Leaderboards
Workload Scheduling
Workload Scheduling
Get graphic view of workloads and technician schedules

Peritus Mobile App Logo

Maintenance Management using a mobile application for technicians
The PFIM Mobile Application for Technicians streamlines maintenance management by accurately confirming assets to be maintained when the bar code is scanned by a mobile device

Mobile App For Technicians

Streamline your Maintenance Management processes by implementing  PFIM Mobile Workforce Management

Can you afford not to know what time your teams actually arrive and leave your customers site?

PFIM Mobile App for technicians provides a check in and check out feature with the ability to snap a selfie or photo as well as GPS location to prove they were there at the specified time.

Who is your most productive team and who is the least productive?

PFIM Mobile App for technicians provides the live data used to present productivity dashboards and leaderboards.

How long is it taking to close Jobs?

PFIM Mobile App for technicians gives you this information.

A happy customer is a paying customer - paying customers are your bread and butter! Get the PFIM solution to mobile workforce management!

How do you prove that the preventative maintenance processes for an organisation have been adhered to without a mobile app for technicians?

Organisations are requiring more information and data from their service providers or maintenance departments relating to maintenance performed on their infrastructure and assets. This requires more than just a works order or job card but proof that specific units of equipment have been maintained at regular intervals.

How do you provide proof of delivery of services provided in respect of preventative maintenance (PM)?

PFIM Mobile App for technicians has a sign off screen where the cusotmer enters their name and signs on the device.

How do you ensure that specific components of equipment have been maintained according to a preventative and scheduled maintenance routine?

PFIM Mobile App for technicians lets technicians scan a barcode to verify the assets to be serviced and marks the asset as identified via barcode for future auditing.

PFIM Mobile Workforce Management was developed to provide a means to incorporate an organisation’s mobile work force into the daily IT processes. This makes the resulting data more current and accurate and removes the needless recapturing of data.

Integrates into PFIM CMMS

PFIM Mobile Workforce Management integrates into the PFIM Computerised Maintenance Management System.  This provides a means to notify teams in the field of updates and changes to their workload. In turn it allows them to update their progress and make use of the organisation’s investment in PFIM CMMS via inquiries into the accumulated service history of equipment and a customisable knowledge base.

The application provides the mobile workforce the ability to log faults detected during routine maintenance that are outside the scope of the current Job Card or Works Order. These faults can then be brought to the attention of the customer via the fault report process by way of a quotation. When the quotation is accepted a separate job card or works order is created. This Job Card is assigned to a technician to perform the repair work.

Integrates with PFIM ERP

Job Costing System (Works Orders System).

PFIM Mobile Workforce Management is a software program that runs on Android and iOS devices.